Wireless Alcohol Interlock With Immobilizer Relay
l Cannot
start car if you do not meet the pre-set limit of BAC (pre-set limit according
to country’s regulations).
l Must
blow at least 5sec. & expiratory flow must be (≧10L/min)
to activate the readings.
l Can only
disarm wireless relay immobilizer once passed the alcohol tester test.
l Automatic
arm when ignition key “Off†after 3min.
l Unplug
original starter/ fuel pump relay, plug in the wireless relay in the same
footpin and can stop the engine start without any wire cut, simple, concealed
and secure.
l Valet
mode supported.
l Emergency
override mode supported.
l Different
footpin terminal wireless relay available.
l OE
customized projects are welcome.
Wireless Alcohol Interlock With Immobilizer Relay
l Cannot
start car if you do not meet the pre-set limit of BAC (pre-set limit according
to country’s regulations).
l Must
blow at least 5sec. & expiratory flow must be (≧10L/min)
to activate the readings.
l Can only
disarm wireless relay immobilizer once passed the alcohol tester test.
l Automatic
arm when ignition key “Off†after 3min.
l Unplug
original starter/ fuel pump relay, plug in the wireless relay in the same
footpin and can stop the engine start without any wire cut, simple, concealed
and secure.
l Valet
mode supported.
l Emergency
override mode supported.
l Different
footpin terminal wireless relay available.
l OE
customized projects are welcome.